Generate a PDF Version of a Bid

How is a PDF version of a bid generated and what does it look like?

From time to time your customers may request a printable version of their bid to support the online version they receive via the BidClips widget.  This can be accomplished by generating a PDF version of the bid.

You can generate a PDF version of the bid within your BidClips provider portal.  Your customers can also generate a PDF version of the bid while reviewing it within the BidClips widget.

Both of these generation methods are outlined in this article as well as showing a sample PDF report and its components.

Generating a PDF version of the bid within the BidClips provider portal

You will be able to generate a PDF version of a bid once it has been sent to the customer or accepted on behalf of a customer within the BidClips provider portal.

In order to create a PDF version of the bid within your provider portal follow these simple steps:

  • Access the bid for which you would like to create a PDF version.  This can be done from the Bids section of the service request details page OR by selecting the desired bid from the Bids list page.
  • Scroll down to the Bid Actions button which is located under the Totals accordion within the bid.

  • Click the drop-down arrow on the Bid Actions button and select the 'Generate PDF' option.

  • A message will be displayed to inform you that the PDF is being generated. 

  • Once the PDF has been generated, it will be saved to the default file download location configured in your browser settings.

Some things to consider when generating a PDF in the BidClips provider portal:

  • The file naming convention for the generated PDF will be "Bid" + "-" + BidClips reference number + "-" + Shop Name with spaces being replaced by "-".  For Example: "Bid-LX5J4A-My-Auto-Glass-Shop". 
  • Multiple PDF versions that are generated for the same bid will be automatically named with a number suffix by your operating system.  For example: "Bid-LX5J4A-My-Auto-Glass-Shop (1)"  and ""Bid-LX5J4A-My-Auto-Glass-Shop (2)", etc.
  • A PDF version of a bid can only be generated once it has been completed and sent to a customer.
  • You will not be able to generate a PDF version of a draft bid.
  • If you have a bid that includes options for service at both the customer's location or the shop; the customer location version of the PDF will be generated.
  • If you have a bid that includes insurance, the insurance option is the version of the PDF that will be generated; not the out of pocket version.

Generating a PDF version of the bid within the BidClips widget

Your customers will be able to generate and download a PDF version of the bid once they have reviewed the details and have clicked into the "Reserve" phase of the bid.

In the Reserve phase of the bid, the customer will see a new "Download PDF" button where they can generate and download a PDF version of the bid.

Some things to consider when generating a PDF in the BidClips widget:

  • Just like the provider-based PDF version, the file naming convention for the generated PDF will be "Bid" + "-" + BidClips reference number + "-" + Shop Name with spaces being replaced by "-".  For Example: "Bid-LX5J4A-My-Auto-Glass-Shop". 
  • Multiple PDF versions that are generated for the same bid will be automatically named with a number suffix by your operating system.  For example: "Bid-LX5J4A-My-Auto-Glass-Shop (1)"  and ""Bid-LX5J4A-My-Auto-Glass-Shop (2)", etc.
  • Unlike the provider-based PDF version, if the bid includes options for service at both the customer's location or the shop; the selection made by the customer will dictate the contents of the PDF version.
  • Unlike the provider-based PDF version, If the bid includes options for both insurance and out-of-pocket payments; the selection made by the customer will dictate the contents of the PDF version.

PDF Components


The header section will include your shop name, shop phone, shop address, primary contact email, and shop logo.  These values can be modified in your shop information settings.

Bid Details

The Bid Details section will display the Bid Summary, Service Request reference number and associated service offering, the Customer Name, Service Address (shop or customer address).

The Bid Details section will also include a "Reserve Online" link where the customer can access, review, and accept the bid online.

Pricing Information

Below the details section, you will see the pricing information.  Pricing information can include Items (Parts), Labor, Add-Ons, Discounts, Descriptions, Fuel and Environmental Surcharge (Travel Surcharge), and Total Tax.  The content displayed here will be dependent on whether you have chosen to show your customer a breakout of parts, labor, and travel OR if the bid includes an insurance option.

Here is an example of a PDF version for a bid with a breakout of parts, labor, and travel surcharge.

Here is an example of a PDF version for a bid with parts, labor, and travel surcharge combined.

And, here is an example of a PDF version for a bid with the insurance option selected.

Bid Message

The Bid Message to Customer information from the bid is also included in the PDF version.  The Bid Message is displayed in subsequent pages; after the Header, Bid Detail, and Pricing Information sections.

Images included in the Bid Message section of your bid will be embedded and visible in the PDF version.  Videos, web links, and PDF objects that were included in the bid message can be viewed by your customer via the PDF version of the bid but are displayed as web links.

Here is a version of a PDF version of a bid that included images, web links, and PDF objects inside of a Bid Message:


At the very bottom of each page, you will see a date and time stamp for the PDF generation and page x of y information.  The footer information is included to help troubleshoot any issues and also give you/your customers a visual indicator that more information is included in previous/subsequent pages.