What's the Difference Between Messages & Live Chat

Learn about the different ways you can communicate with your customers

Messaging vs. Live Chat

The BidClips platform has two ways to communicate with users: messages and live chat. Below describes the two methods and communication similarities and differences.



The main difference between messages and live chat is that messages are attached to a specific service request. Once a service request is created messages can be sent to the customer. Pictures, videos, specific journey template questions, and quotes can be sent to the customer through messages.

The customer will receive an email/text message notification for the message that was sent. In the email/text there is a link that automatically opens the widget on the provider’s website that brings the customer to the message.

In the widget, the user will also see all past communications and quotes related to the specific service request. Customers can respond directly in the widget with pictures, videos and rich/text messages.


Continue Reading: How to send a message


Live Chat

A live chat can only be initiated by a customer on the provider’s website through the widget. Live chats happen in real time with users and it is important to respond in a timely manner. Once a live chat is ended a log is generated of the interaction.


Continue Reading: Live chat overview