How to cancel a service request

Learn how to cancel a service request in BidClips and tag it with a cancellation reason.

When a lead is not interested in your services or a service request was mistakenly created, you can cancel a Service Request. Canceling a service request will also cancel all associated bids and jobs making sure the customer cannot book and does not receive any more follow-up emails. After a service request is canceled, you do have the ability to re-open the request, if a customer calls, back without having to copy the information.

Note: If you are looking to just VOID a job in BidClips and reopen bids for a customer to book again, please check out this article.

How to cancel a service request

  • Navigate to the service request you want to cancel
  • Click on the drop-down arrow on the actions button
  • Choose 'Cancel' from the list of options
  • Click the '+' icon to add a cancellation reason (Required)
  • Choose the reason or reasons from the tag list and click 'Add'. Cancellation reasons are handled through tags. If would like to learn more about creating a tag, check out this article.
  • Click 'Save' to finish the cancellation process.

How to reopen a service request

  • Navigate to the service request you want to reopen
  • Click on the 'Reopen' button
  • Now all associated bids and jobs will be available to the customer